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No matter if you are learning Arabic or about Middle East history, Tahafut al-Falasifah gives a concise overview of the complex debate over creationism and evolution in Islamic thought.The author is an expert on centuries of Islamic evolution literature and his translation is magnificent. It provides the reader with a text that can act as an introduction to these debates for those new to these concepts or interested in peeling them apart. The book utilizes materials spanning from the 7th century caliph Harun al-Rashid to present day. Al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. “Views of an al-Qaeda Ideologue.” In The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and Terrorized Communities, edited by J.M. Berger, 394–405. Oxford Press, 2009 In this article al-Zarqawi critiques the views of Al-Shaykh Sadigh Al-Mursal who is a prominent Muslim scholar in Egypt and a critic of the literal interpretation of the Qur’an and Hadith. The article further discusses why an individual can be a Muslim without believing in evolution or not being a Muslim at all. Al-Zawahiri, Ayman. "The Road to Jerusalem Goes Through Cairo" (1991). In The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of Al Qaeda’s Leader, by Peter Bergen, 194–195. Free Press, 2006 Speaking in 1991 during the Iran-Iraq war al-Zawahiri references the necessity of “jihad against the godless materialistic ideological invasion.” He naturally refers naturally to evolution and how it has become a part of the American education system and how it is an effort for Americans to combat Islam.  "Islam was victorious when it had no army… when it spoke no language but Arabic. Islam was victorious until it went to the West, where there were scholars who wrote about it, talked about it, debated about it. Then they invented evolution which mobilized Darwinism against Islam. This is because Islam has a universal message for all peoples. They felt that they had to defeat this Islamic call for unity." Nasif, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na‘im. “Human Rights in the Qur’an: A Middle Way Between Classical and Modern Interpretations?” In Human Rights in Africa: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, edited by Gwyn Campbell and Ekkehard Wolff, 57–76. New York: Continuum, 2002 In this article An-Naim provides an overview of the Quran’s view of human rights. He details how for Muslims there is protection for both humans and animals. Additionally, he discusses how Islamic tradition encompasses “incorporation of new ideas into the tradition.” Kamali, Mohammad Hashim. Theory and Practice in Islamic Law: Shafi’i's Risala (Islamic Laws). Cambridge Press, 2009 In this book Kamali provides a comprehensive review of Shafi law as well as a treatment of the holy text that is essential to understand Islam.


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